Alien Photo-21

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This hieroglyph of a head, is clearly not a human head. Why would these ancients portray all kinds of alien heads and bodies all over the place. The only logical reason is that they saw them, they existed. These ancients were not a crazy religious cult as Egyptologists portray them. They were spoken of by Hermes as being the happies and healthiest people in the land. A healthy mind does not go to such mind boggling lengths as these to carve gigantic monuments and carvings in stone with no logical reason. These people were not crazy. They were from another planet.

Alien Photo-20

This is a photo of Nefertiti the Goddess who lived in Ancient Egypt, notice this Goddess's head. Her skull is extremely elongated, this would mean her brain would be much larger than a normal human's. Therefore making her extremely intelligent. This is actually a statue of her, it is in a museum in Egypt currently. Several pictures in Ancient Egypt portray some of the Gods or Goddesses with extremely large elongated heads. Is this some coincidence, why would the Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues, there had to be a motivation of some kind apart from an artistic one, and in my opinion there is nothing artistically appealing about a large elongated head, so why did they do it? Read on to find out why!

Alien Photo-19

Here are all the skulls found that are elongated at the back. All these skulls are catalogued and genuine. They are all together in a museum.

Alien Photo-18

This is a photo of a skull found in Peru, notice the elongated back of the skull. This is one of the many Deformed skulls photographed in the Museo Regional de Ica.

This is clearly not a human skull, we have been fed a variety of unlogical explanations as to why this skull has this formation. Several like it were found in Peru with small variations. Many artifacts that were clearly of Egyptian origin were also found in Peru dating back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. However these two cultures and countries were not supposed to have had contact back then being so far from each other. Many odd things are found in Peru, the Nazca lines, a set of animal and geometrical lines engraved onto the ground which extend for miles. Engraving these lines would require a view from above to do them correctly, yet they were not supposed to have aircraft back then. So how did they do it?? This skull gives us a good idea. If they had brains big enough to fit into these skulls they could obviously find ways to fly in aircraft or spacecraft no doubt. A photo of other skulls found in Peru are below.

Alien Photo-17

Friday, July 24, 2009

The proof is starting to show that aliens have been visiting Earth for a very long time. This man in India discovered a skull which is clearly that of an alien that died sometime ago. Luckily, there was a camera around to have a picture of the alien head taken so that this discovery could be shared with the rest of the world. The Internet really is a beautiful thing that is bringing all of humanity closer together in our search for the truth of the universe.

Alien Photo-16

This alien picture simply has to be one of the most amazing alien pictures ever taken. Whoever it was that made sure these alien pictures made it onto the internet is a real hero.

Alien Photo-15

Sadly for the alien it was very dead by the time this set of alien pictures were taken. However, that does mean we have the really rare chance to see what the alien looks like on the inside. We can only imagine the importance of the information the surgeons managed to get from doing such an intensive alien autopsy. Hopefully in the long run such alien pictures will let us better understand our visitors.

Alien Photo-14

The next collection of alien pictures are some of the most amazing alien pictures ever seen. They are of a fairly recent alien autopsy. Details of exactly where these alien pictures were taken is a mystery but the quality of the photography makes it clear that the pictures have to be fairly recent.

Alien Photo-13

This alien body in this alien picture looks to be that of an older alien. So, it is possible that this alien simply died of natural causes while he was in a trip to Earth. The story goes that the alien body found in this alien picture was discovered inside a UFO but any attempts to find out more information about this alien only get so far before the government bodies start throwing things in the the path of those trying to do the research. Make of that what you will.

Alien Photo-12

This dead alien in this alien picture looks to have taken a serious blow to the head which probably was the cause of his death. Perhaps there was an accident or a fight but either way it left the alien head damaged and the alien dead.

Alien Photo-11

Not all alien pictures of dead aliens are taken right after the alien has died. This picture is of the bones of a dead alien. Word has it that the alien's bones were found in the Andes but they weren't discovered by the outside world for years later. Once they were found somebody took an alien picture and then the bones were moved to a lab so that better research could be done.

Alien Photo-10

On the other hand, there will always be those people that are more interested in destroying things they don't understand than in trying to understand them. This alien picture comes from the streets of South America where the locals apparently found an alien body and tore it apart until all the was left was this alien head.

Alien Photo-9

The best thing about this alien picture is that it shows that somebody somewhere was trying to keep this alien alive. That gives us hope that not everyone that comes in contact with a real alien is looking to exploit them for negative reasons. This picture of a dying alien shows the alien in a seriously frail state but fighting to stay alive. We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life.

Alien Photo-8

This dead alien was clearly dead for a while before somebody took the alien picture. That gives us hope that the alien's body was discovered rather than it being killed by the person who took the picture of the alien. Perhaps there was a space craft crash or it simply died as any creature eventually does. Either way we find the alien picture interesting and am glad it was taken.

Alien Photo-7

With as many aliens that make it to Earth some of them are bound to die while they are Earth. We aren't sure how all of the dead aliens we have alien pictures of met their end but it is clear somebody on Earth knew they were dead and were able to take a picture of the alien.

Alien Photo-6

The origins of this picture of a dead baby alien fetus are a mystery. It is obvious from the picture that a medical procedure had taken place but we aren't sure what happened for the baby alien to be dead and there aren't many clues in the alien picture. That said, it seems obvious that there was an adult alien carrying the fetus. What we really don't know is what happened to that adult alien. Perhaps it was already dead or maybe it was killed and the focus of an alien autopsy. Which ever we are happy that somebody there was brave enough to take a picture of the baby alien and send it to various alien believers.

Alien Photo-5

This scary looking alien body was found in a cave in Brazil. It is interesting that its skull is shaped a bit differently than how we would normally think an alien would work. However, what it shows is that aliens come in as many different varieties as humans. Surely, there isn't just one planet the aliens are coming from so it makes sense that they wouldn't all look exactly the same. Personally, we think that makes the whole business of watching aliens all the more interesting and alien pictures more interesting too.

Alien Photo-4

Perhaps we too often convey the image that aliens that come to Earth are all looking to cause trouble. That is most likely unfair as in many cases the aliens are probably just explorers trying to find out what there is in the universe - just as humans are trying to do. A farmer woke up one night to a strange glow coming from his barn. He always took his camera with him when there was trouble on the farm just incase he needed pictures for the police or for insurance. Imagine his surprise when he saw this alien looking back at him. In the alien picture it looks as if the alien is just as curious as the farmer was when he took the alien picture.

Alien Photo-3

The grown up aliens make it Earth much more than the baby aliens so it makes sense that there are more alien pictures of adult aliens around on the internet. The person that took this alien picture didn't even know they had the picture until they took a roll of film to get developed. Then when they took a look at the pictures they were stunned to find this haunting alien picture staring back at them. To this day the couple from Oklahoma still have no idea how the picture got onto their camera.

Alien Photo-2

Then there are some alien babies that really are cute. This cute alien baby was sadly dead when it was discovered in Japan but at least we are all able to take a good look at the little thing through this alien picture. Who knows how it made its way to Earth but thanks to an alien picture it will never be forgotten.

Alien Photo-1

Alien babies aren't always pretty but then again human babies are a bit wrinkled and messy too. This alien baby picture is from the 1950's. Heavens only knows what was thought of the person that took this alien picture way back then but we are glad they were brave enough to pick up their camera and take a picture of the alien baby. We are even more glad that they were brave enough to make sure the picture made it into the public. We don't know what happened to this baby but we do hope it wasn't harmed in anyway but sadly, it probably wasn't treated very nicely.

UFO Photo-20

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The buzz about this reported Nazi UFO has been all over the internet. So we decided to bring you the UFO picture of the famous Nazi UFO so you could see if for yourself.

UFO Photo-19

Another example that UFO sightings aren't just limited to North America. This UFO was taken in the forest in Russia when a UFO was reported to crash. We don't know who took the picture or who leaked the picture into the public realm but we are very happy we had the chance to see such an amazing UFO picture.

UFO Photo-18

The interesting thing about this UFO picture is the clear shot of an airplane approaching the UFO in the sky. The person that sent us this UFO picture didn't fully explain what happened when the plane got close to the UFO but we would really love to know the true story behind this UFO picture.

UFO Photo-17

This is probably the oldest of the UFO pictures we have in our collection. It is reported that this UFO picture is from the 1940's but we aren't exactly sure of the date it was taken. What it does show is that the interest in UFO pictures is nothing new and out parents and grandparents were just as interested in what was above their heads in the sky as we are today.

UFO Photo-16

This is a classic UFO picture from the 1960's. A farmer in Wyoming was out tending his field when he saw a UFO flying over his field. The UFO came back day after day and he knew nobody would believe him. So, one day he brought along his camera and managed to capture this UFO picture. He never noticed any cows missing during the day but was convinced that something funny was going on with them at night. It certainly wouldn't have been the first report of UFOs having an interest in cows.

UFO Photo-15

This area in New Mexico is a well know UFO sighting spot so it was only a matter of time before somebody caught a UFO picture from that spot. What we find particularly interesting about this UFO picture is how low the UFO is flying to the ground. Maybe it was taking a picture of the person who was taking the UFO picture!

UFO Photo-14

For some reason, it is fairly rare to see UFO pictures that taken in a city. More often than not UFOs are spotted in rural settings. Perhaps that is just because cities are so busy that most people don't have time to look up into the sky to notice UFOs. So, this UFO picture of a UFO flying over Detroit in the mid 1970's is a real treat.

UFO Photo-13

Here is another example of a UFO picture taken in Europe. This time it is a UFO picture taken over the Alps in Switzerland. That makes sense when you think about it because it is obvious that a visitor from another planet is going to want to check out the major landmarks on Earth. The Alps certainly classify as a major landmark so it is no wonder a UFO picture would be taken flying over them.

UFO Photo-12

UFOs do move fast so it is amazing that many UFO pictures manage to be taken. This slightly blurred UFO picture shows the UFO in movement in the sky. You can almost imagine the speed of the UFO when you realize how much it moved in just the time it took the person taking the UFO picture to take the picture.

UFO Photo-11

It is always nice when a UFO isn't just of the UFO in the sky but also shows the scene on the ground. In this UFO picture shot in the 1970's we are lucky enough to see a man on the ground reacting to the UFO spotted in the sky. It must have felt good for the person that took the UFO picture to know that at least one other person saw the UFO he saw in the sky.

UFO Photo-10

This UFO picture was taken hovering over a castle in Germany. Numerous sightings have been reported on this site over the years but it wasn't until this UFO picture was taken that there was evidence.

UFO Photo-9

This is a fairly unique UFO picture in that it shows two UFOs in the same picture. Taken in the 1950's in California it clearly shows the two UFO crafts traveling at pretty much the same level. It is hard to tell though if they are just floating or if they were taking off or heading in for a UFO landing. All the same, it still makes for an interesting UFO picture.

UFO Photo-8

This is another UFO picture that was taken in the 1960's. The quality of the UFO picture is a bit grainy but we can clearly see that the UFO is hovering over the tree line. According to the person that took the UFO picture, it stayed hovering in that position for nearly an hour before suddenly vanishing.

UFO Photo-7

This is another UFO picture taken in the United Kingdom. THis time it was taken in Devon, England.

UFO Photo-6

UFO picture don't just happen in the United States. This UFO picture was taken on the hillside in Wales, United Kingdom. Proof that UFOs aren't just something that are seen in America. After all, the Earth is a big place and it makes sense that UFO pictures would surface from every corner of the globe.

UFO Photo-5

This is another example of somebody taking a UFO picture by accident. He thought he was just taking a picture of an odd star in the sky but when he got home and zoomed in on the picture with photo shop he saw that what he thought was a star was really a UFO picture.

UFO Photo-4

This UFO picture was discovered by a man when he was clearing out his parent's belongings after they died. To his best guess, the UFO picture would have been taken sometime in the early 1960's and looks like it was taken a few miles from his parent's home in Kentucky. He doesn't know the story behind the picture as nobody is alive to tell it but when he saw the UFO picture it was he was seeing. To do help himself keep the memory of his parents alive he scanned the picture and put it on the internet so that the whole world could see what his parents saw that night.

UFO Photo-3

The time just after the sun has gone down is another good time to see a UFO. This UFO picture was taken just as twighlight was ending and the glow from the UFO was at its brightest. A few minutes later the UFO was gone with only this UFO picture to survive as evidence of its journey to Earth.

UFO Photo-2

It is amazing how many UFOs come out in the day time. This UFO picture was taken in the early morning when a paper boy was doing his rounds in rural America. He just happened to have his camera with him so he took a few snaps but he knew nobody would believe the UFO picture he took. Hopefully he now knows that he isn't the only one that believes.

UFO Photo-1

Of all the cities in all of the world, Las Vegas is probably the one where even those people that claim not to believe in UFOs would probably expect a UFO to land. The only problem is that the town is so strange on its own that most people probably wouldn't even notice the UFO in the sky. Luckily, one tourist did think the UFO in the sky was a bit strange and took a UFO picture.


This is an example of one of the UFO pictures taken back in the days when the person who took the UFO picture was more likely to be sent to the loony bin than to believed about their UFO encounter. So, we have put these classic UFO pictures up on the site so that their proof of UFO existence can finally be seen by people that believe.


The advances of modern day cameras have allowed for better quality UFO pictures to become available every day.
This is an UFO picture taken over a small town in Nevada, USA.
It was miles away but the extreme zoom on the persons camera allowed an amazing UFO picture to be taken

UFO Pictures

If aliens have visited Earth that it only makes sense that they had to use a space craft - what we as humans call an UFO - in order to make their journey from their home planet to Earth. Humans have always looked up at the sky so it isn't really a shock that some people would be lucky enough to spot a UFO in the sky. Ever since it has been possible to take pictures people who have spotted an UFO have been getting their cameras out and taking UFO pictures. Many of these people that have taken UFO pictures have faced ridicule and questions relating to their character because they have dared to go public with their UFO pictures. Some of the people that have taken UFO pictures have died thinking it was only them that knew the truth about UFO. So, as a tribute to both them and the more modern day UFO picture takers, we have decided to publish their UFO pictures so people all over the world can now know what they knew first about UFO evidence.


A collection of real alien and real UFO pictures and photos. Even those that don't believe at first that that UFOs and aliens are real will certainly start to wonder when they see these amazing real life alien pictures and UFO photos collected from real people from all over the world.